This Wrecked 2022 Ford F-250 Tremor Handles Off-Roading Like A Champ


A YouTuber has taken a wrecked 2022 Ford F-250 Tremor pickup truck off-roading, and amazingly it handles it with nearly no issues at all.

Some of the world’s toughest and most dependable automobiles are pickup trucks. They are capable of carrying huge loads, hard labor, and in some cases, off-road travel. In light of this, the YouTube channel goonzquad has obtained a damaged 2022 Ford F-250 Tremor with the intention of testing its off-road prowess. The pickup truck tackles difficult terrain as though it were built for it from the start, despite the fact that its outward state has clearly seen better days.

The 2022 F-250 Tremor Is Not In Factory Condition

The pickup vehicle isn’t exactly in the finest of shape, as the video demonstrates. With the door in particular being particularly harsh, one side has entirely bent in. Additionally, windows are missing, and the painting is less than stellar.

The YouTubers decide to test the pickup truck’s off-road capabilities while they are driving it around. The truck works admirably right away, navigating some challenging slopes and grassy terrain as smoothly as if it were on an interstate. Even the YouTubers are taken aback by the performance.


The F-250 Tremor Easily Handles The Terrain It Is Presented With

The pickup miraculously manages to traverse some more steeper hills when the YouTubers drive it up there. Even better truck performance is achieved when the differential is locked. It does, however, get stuck in a few places and sometimes spins its wheels.

The truck, though, manages a run up some more challenging terrain with little to no difficulty. The guys then make assumptions about why it succeeds. It appears to enable the truck to easily navigate this type of terrain when its crawl mode is engaged.

Ford’s F-250 Tremor Is Defying All Expectations

The boys keep straining the pickup truck in the next segment of the video. This vehicle can handle any terrain and practically climb each hill it encounters. When we consider how badly damaged the F-250 Tremor actually is, the accomplishment becomes even more amazing. The YouTubers joke that they do not need to do that given how well the truck performs off-road, even though they intend to repair the damage and restore it to a respectable finish.
