Chicago Man Discovers A Timeless Relic: A 1981 Delorean In A Wisconsin Barn


Imagine stumbling upon a relic of automotive history, virtually untouched by time.

Michael McElhattan, a Crystal Lake homeowner and proprietor of the auto restoration business DeLorean Midwest, experienced just that. His most recent purchase? A 1981 DeLorean with less than 1,000 kilometers on the clock, gleaming.

Not just any find, either. For those who grew up in the 1980s or have a fondness for classic movies, the DeLorean is often associated with the popular movie “Back to the Future,” which highlighted the vehicle’s distinctive stainless steel exterior and cutting-edge gull wing doors. McElhattan’s discovery is comparable to unearthing a time capsule that has been hidden from view for many years.

Hidden away in a Wisconsin barn, this automotive gem had been silently waiting for someone to rediscover its charm. But how did McElhattan, of all people, come to find such a treasure?

“The power of social media is truly remarkable,” McElhattan commented. “Through online networks, I got wind of this particular DeLorean’s existence. It was like a myth, a legend in the car community, but I had to see it for myself.”


McElhattan was shocked when he finally got a look at the automobile. It was in fantastic shape and still had all of its original components after being stored for many years. “For this DeLorean, it seems as though time has stopped. I felt a wave of nostalgia upon seeing it, and I knew I had to bring it back to its previous splendor.

The DeLorean conjures up childhood memories for many people, serving as a reminder of a time when anything was conceivable. This DeLorean will soon be riding the streets once again, turning heads and rekindling memories of a bygone age thanks to McElhattan’s experience and passion for restoration.

It is encouraging to see historical artifacts being treasured and preserved in a society when we’re frequently obsessed with the newest and greatest. It’s more than just a car for Michael McElhattan and the select few who will get to see this DeLorean on the road; it’s a trip through time.

